With the purpose of training future engineers, technology entrepreneurs and technology leaders for a fully independent and vigorous Türkiye!

The educational model of DENEYAP Technology Workshops is designed to enable students gain skills such as entrepreneurship, creative thinking, critical thinking, solving complex problems, effective communication and teamwork.

Student Selection Process

DENEYAP Technology Workshops present a comprehensive and different education model that takes into account the needs of the next century, is project-based, deals with daily life problems, and enables students to gain skills integrated into the 21st century.

Students who want to receive education in DENEYAP Technology Workshops are subjected to a three-stage student selection exam: E-Exam, Online Training and Task Completion, Practice Exam. 4th and 5th grade students for the middle school group and 8th grade, high school preparatory class and 9th grade students for the high school group can apply for the Student Selection Exam.


Candidates who meet the application criteria can make their pre-application via CMS to take the e-exam and complete the application step by choosing the exam place and date after the pre-application.


Students are expected to answer multiple-choice exam questions that are comprised of Mathematics, Science, Algorithm and General Culture and based on measuring students' analytical and critical thinking skills within the scope of the e-exam stage.

Online training and Task Completion A certain number of candidates who are successful in the E- Exam are eligible to proceed to the Online Training and Task Completion phase. Candidates who successfully pass the Online Training and Task Completion process are eligible to take the Practice Exam.
Applied Exam

Students are expected to complete the project assignment announced by the exam center within the designated time using the designated equipments and present it to the jury within the scope of the applied exam.

Final Result

The e-exam and applied exam results are calculated by predetermined percentages, and the candidates who successfully pass both steps within the quota are qualified to become DENEYAP student.


Online Application

4th, 5th, 8th, 9th grade and high school preparation students who want to receive education at DENEYAP Technology Workshops can make their applications by creating their accounts on the T3 KYS web site during the designated exam periods and if they reside in the provinces accepting applications. 



Students who want to attend education program first take the e-exam. The exam is prepared at the secondary and high school level. 4th and 5th grades take the middle school group exam while 8th and 9th grade students and high school preparatory grade students take the high school group exam.

E-exam consists of;
•  Mathematics
•  Science
•  Algorithm
•  General Culture 

Exam consists of 40 questions, and its duration is 80 minutes. The skills of reasoning, reading and interpreting data, making inferences, identifying the problem, thinking critically, researching and designating variables are measured in the exam questions. The exam includes questions that measure skills, not theoretical knowledge. The exam result is based on the number of correct answers and wrong answers don't affect the correct ones.


Online Training and Task Completion

A certain number of candidates who are successful in the E- Exam are eligible to proceed to the Online Training and Task Completion phase. At this stage, candidates are responsible for completing the online trainings and tasks in line with the schedule to be communicated.  Candidates who successfully pass the Online Training and Task Completion process are eligible to take the Practice Exam.


Applied Exam

Students who successfully pass the E-exam, which is the first stage of the Student Selection Exam in DENEYAP Technology Workshops, are entitled to take the Applied Exam.

Students are expected to design a project in which they can use their technical knowledge and present their original ideas in line with the theme provided to them in the Applied Exam.

When the project design period is completed, students present the project they have developed to the relevant jury members during the designated time. Students' projects are assessed by considering their skills such as problem solving, original thinking, producing creative and innovative solutions, and self-expression during the presentation. The main theme of the applied exam is announced on the website a few days before the exam date.

Final results are announced for those who qualify for the education as a result of the assessments.

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