DENEYAP Technical and Cultural Excursions

It is aimed for DENEYAP Students to obseve implementation of what they learnt in courses within technical excursions. Observing the process what students learnt in workshops and how they are transformed into a product increases their motivation and awareness in technical excursions.

Students' sociocultural activities are reinforced as they are supported within DENEYAP Cultural Excursions. Students acquire experience in these excursions as they tour routes having a cultural and artistic content.


Nature Camps

DENEYAP Türkiye's nature camps are aimed at distracting our students from the stress of intensive training and work tempo and strengthen their capabilities in working in team spirit. Our students spend pleasant time during nature camps with morning exercise, team games and other activities while they reinforce their skills in working as teams outside the class environment.


Team - Mentor Studies

Mentors of DENEYAP are comprised of people who have advanced skills of working in teams, cooperation, problem solving, have good command of solution-oriented thinking, are capable of developing unique ideas, skilled in critical thinking, love to learn and teach, are sensible to environment and current problems, has the awareness that the DENEYAP Türkiye Project and National Technology Initiative is important for the future of Türkiye

Mentors who work at DENEYAP Technology Workshops include teachers, individuals working in the sector and specialized in their field, undergraduate and post-graduate students studying in the relevant fields of universities and graduates.


Project Festivals

Students are expected to develop a solution-oriented, innovative, applicable, and developable project content in line with the research assignments given with their teams at the end of each training taught under 11 different subjects.

Project festival theme differs depending on the education content to be implemented, and planning of the process is done in that way. Project festivals continue in the concept of preparing a prototype and realizing a task in the face-to-face trainings while it is carried out by preparing a presentation and banner in online trainings. Flexible research subjects that are presented based on current life problems ensure students to learn working in groups, develop their researching skills, producing prototype and manage their time.

Prototypes of the students are assessed and awarded by the jury comprised of instructors.


DENEYAP Graduates Platform

Graduates of DENEYAP Platform was established by the first graduating class, who started their education in 2017, under the leadership of theT3 Foundation. Teams are re-established every years, and applications for organizing teams are accepted once in a year.

Graduates of DENEYAP Platform's Purposes

  • Conducting studies to make their commitment to the National Technology Festival continuous.

  • Contributing to education, training, project and teamwork.

  • Organizing education programs, actvities and social organizations intended for graduates.

  • Collaborating with graduates in works realzed within DENEYAP Türkiye.

  • Ensuring share of experience between graduate and current DENEYAP students.

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